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Straight From Your Heart In 2014

Straight From Your Heart In 2014

– By Dr Nav Ropra. 

Straight From The Heart in 2014

Everything that has ever happened to you in your life,

is feedback to bring you back to a place of

Gratitude and to live from your heart.

You may have had great times in 2013 where you felt extraordinary or on top of the world. Conversely, there may have been times when you felt down in the dumps, compared yourself with others, and felt less than who you really are.

These are both extreme feedback mechanisms.  Pleasure and pain are guidance mechanisms to bring you back to your authentic self, to centre you in a place where you are neither elated nor depressed with life – where you are grateful.  When you are grateful, your energy comes from your heart and you have the capacity to embrace both pleasure and pain equally.  You know that both are linked and you will not get one without the other.

Whatever has happened, or not happened in 2013, learn from it.  Be wise and grow through the experiences.  Finances, family, relationships, health, business are all designed to give the intuition guidance to come back to heart, to feel more, to be more and to have more in life.

Here are some of my top tips for getting the most out of 2014:

1.  Plan where you would like to be by designing methodically what you would like your life to look like.  Write down your genuine goals and then plan action steps to complete those goals.  Remember to carry out those action steps.

2. Look back on 2013 and other years – they will tell you hidden messages of what worked and what did not.  Change!  Do less of the things which didn’t go well and more of the things that worked for you.

3.  Connect with yourself and learn the art of being silent.  It will help you to become more grounded and centred.  In our busy lives we can get side tracked by social media, emails, messaging etc that we forget what it was once like just to be human without technology.

4.  Read at least one hour per day on the topic you choose to excel in.  It will help you to become more confident in life and have the certainty to communicate more effectively.

5.  Bring a sense of gratitude to your job.  Work is love in action and whatever job you do in the world, bring your unique fragrance to it.  Take care in the little things you do especially when no one is looking.  Those moments define your character which is more important than trying to impress others.

6.  Connect with your family regardless of the conflicts that may be brewing.  They are the only people on this planet who share the same blood and genes as you and fighting with them, is just like fighting with another part of you.

7. Start a savings plan for 2014 where you are consistently putting money away on a monthly basis and increasing this amount every quarter. Work out where you stand financially and what your assets are worth so that your financial world is more realistic and not a fantasy or a nightmare.  Empower your finances so that they contribute to your life’s purpose.

8.  Socialise more and meet the movers and shakers in your field so that you can learn from them and become a more wiser person.

9.  Take care of your health and do more of the things which nourish the physiology, as well as your psychology.  Drink more water, stretch more, exercise.  Decrease the toxic loading your body may get during the festive period.

Above all, find out what is truly meaningful and inspiring in your life.  Respect others, but don’t let anyone on the face of this earth, not even yourself, stop you from doing that which is truly meaningful to you.

You are a unique individual and there has never been another like you, and never will there be another like you.  Why not fully express your creativity and genius in this world starting in 2014.

It leaves me to say thank you for a Grateful year, and I look forwards to meeting you in 2014.

Dr Nav Ropra.

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