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Is Your Body Giving You Feedback?

Is Your Body Giving You Feedback?

– By Dr Nav Ropra.

It is well documented that the psychology of an individual can affect their physiology and that many psychosomatic illnesses can be caused by having lop-sided perceptions about people, things or events.

Having a balanced perspective on life and dentistry can lead to reducing volatility and having a less volatile life can lead to longevity and vitality.

Homeostatic mechanisms are vital to maintain balance in life and can be found in all systems from the sub-molecular, cells, family dynamics, country dynamics, planets, solar systems etc.

Many signs and symptoms of the body are results of excesses or deficiencies; either doing too much of one thing or too little of another.

The deviation from universal balance results as pain and if the pain is ignored, then you may need external governance by medicines or intervention from doctors to help balance the physiology or the psychology.

‘Having a balanced perspective on life and dentistry can lead to reducing volatility and having a less volatile life can lead to longevity and vitality.’

The body is a wonderful feedback mechanism which is constantly reminding us of what we have not learnt to equilibrate in our perceptions. By ignoring the feedback, you are negating your own guidance and one-half of the equation of balance. The greatest healing is love and gratitude and having a balanced mind can lead to a balanced body.  Depression can be defined as a comparison of your reality to a fantasy of how life should have been, and the extent of the difference can be correlated to the level of depression.

Sometimes, I take clients through a process where we look at what their current life is demonstrating and what their ideal life would look like.

‘The greatest healing is love and gratitude and having a balanced mind can lead to a balanced body.’

When clients become grateful for how their life is and realise that they are perfectly where they need to be to grow, it is remarkable how the level of depression or stress reduces.

 The ability of clients to manage both support and challenge at that particular level is consequently increased.

As health care professionals, we can focus so much on patient’s problems and helping them, that we can forget to take care of ourselves and what it is we need.

Forgetting to take breaks during a busy schedule, or to make a list of highest priority action steps and carry them out in the day are some examples.

It is very important to remember that if we cannot manage to take care of ourselves, we may not be able to efficiently and effectively take care of patents. Over long periods of time, we can forget what it was once like to be ‘normal’ as unhealthy habits set in and we forget that we always have a choice.

As health care professionals, we can focus so much on patient’s problems and helping them, that we can forget to take care of ourselves and what it is we need.’

When treating patients or dealing with situations that can cause you to feel elated or depressed, remind yourself to check in with how your body is feeling. See if you can discover any relationships between the two. Learn from the situation and do things differently next time a similar situation occurs. Keep evolving!

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