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Is Evolution And Money Linked?

Is Evolution And Money Linked?

– By Dr Nav Ropra.

Money can be defined as ‘Any thing which is generally accepted as a payment for goods, services or debts in a socio-economic context.’

Money can be used as a vehicle to explore the wonders of this world and gives us more options.  It can bring people together and be used to romance, or it can seperate people and be the decider in a divorce settlement.  It is a source of power and can be used constructively, or destructively depending on your own level of awareness and values.

It has no inherent meaning other than the meaning you give to it and what it signifies to you.

What does this have to do with evolution?

Over the centuries, money has evolved from the heavy exchange of cattle, to lighter coins, to lighter paper, electronically and now money is exchanged at the speed of light.  In the same way, we as human beings are looking to find greater levels of awareness and are seeking enlightenment.  The more evolved we are becoming as human beings, the more money is evolving towards light.

A person who doesn’t have much money is going to be more focused on where the next meal or pay cheque is coming from and has less time to be inspired or think about higher stages of evolutionary consciousness.  The basics need to be taken care of, food, shelter clothing etc before they can start to appreciate the higher qualities in life.

‘Money can be used as a vehicle to explore the wonders of this world and gives us more options.’

On the other hand, the person who has accumulated vast amounts of fortune, will have the option to decide if they would like to do various things, like fly around the world to study, contribute to society on a bigger scale or be a philanthropist.  The difference between these two examples is great, but they are used to illustrate a principle of how money allows you to play in the game of life.

‘The more evolved we are becoming as human beings, the more money is evolving towards light.’

If your true worth is that what you are left with when everything you own is taken away from you, then what are you left with?  What no one can take from you is your wisdom and love.  Since these are certainties, then your financial worth in the world, will depend on your evolutionary ability to convert your wisdom (experience) and your love (caring) into a product, service or idea, and charge a fee in fair exchange for those services rendered. The greater the magnitude of people you reach out and serve, and the greater the problems which you solve for people to help them evolve, the greater will be the financial rewards.

‘What no one can take from you is your wisdom and love.’

For example, the dental student who is focused on themselves and learning, will financially have to pay for that education and service, whilst the owner of many dental practices serving thousands of patients will be paid for their service.  As dental practitioners, when our emotions become out of balance, then our finances can suffer.  Have you ever had times in your lives, when you have made a financial decision, only to realise afterwards, that you changed your mind?  A new item of clothing, a new car, a house, a dental practice for example?

‘As dental practitioners, when our emotions become out of balance, then our finances can suffer.’

In those moments when you are perceiving more pleasure than pain associated with something or someone and you are not perceiving life in balance, you become emotional and may express that by spending money.  The level of pleasure we anticipate will determine how much we are prepared to pay.

Those individuals who are better at managing their emotions or lopsided perceptions will be more evolved, and consequently, will be better at managing money.

However, this is just the start of things, as keeping the money long term, intelligently saving it, investing it and having money work for you instead of you work for it, all require a greater understanding and appreciation and an even greater mastery of your own evolution.

This is how money and evolution are linked.

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